Montreal College of Information Technology
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AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Level

This AWS SysOps training is a prerequisite to the DevOps Engineer Certification. You will learn how to migrate on-premises applications to AWS, control the flow of data to and from AWS, master the AWS management console, implement operational cost controls, and enhance your ability to leverage AWS resources and services efficiently. This certificate will help you attain valuable technical expertise in deploying, managing, and operating fault-tolerant system on AWS.

Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 6pm - 9pm


  • AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Level

    Get trained by industry Experts

    Our courses are delivered by professionals with years of experience having learned first-hand the best, in-demand techniques, concepts, and latest tools.
  • AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Level

    Official Certification curriculum

    Our curriculum is kept up to date with the latest official Certification syllabus and making you getting ready to take the exam.
  • AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Level

    Tax Credit

    Claim up to 25% of tuition fees and education tax credit from your taxes
  • AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Level

    Discount on Certification Voucher

    Upto 50 percent discount voucher will be provided.
  • AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Level

    24/7 Lab access

    Our students have access to their labs and course materials at any hour of the day to maximize their learning potential and guarantee success.


AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Level

This module explains launching an EC2 instance, enhanced networking, EC2 placement groups, EC2 shutdown behavior & Termination protection, Troubleshooting EC2 SSH issues, EC2 purchasing options, spot instances & spot fleet, EC2 instance launch types, elastic IP’s, cloud watch metrics for EC2, EC2 instance status checks, EC2 Hibernate, EC2 cleanup.

This module provides an overview on AMI, AMI NO reboot option, EC2 instance migration using AMI’s, EC2 image builder, AMI in production and AMI section cleanup.

This module provides a brief overview about the concepts like systems manager, start EC2 instances with SSM agent, AWS tags & SSM run command, SSM automations, SSM parameter store, SSM inventory & State Manager, SSM Patch Manager and maintenance windows, SSM session manager overview, SSM cleanup, AWS Opsworks.

This module discussed about the concepts like high availability and scalability in the Amazon cloud. Elastic load balancing (ELB) classic load balancer (ALB), application load balancer (ALB), Network load balancer (NLB), gateway load balancer (GWLB), Elastic load balancer – cross zone load balancing, SSL certificates, connection draining, health checks. Auto scaling groups (ASG), scaling policies, ASG for sysops, CloudWatch for ASG, Auto scaling and section cleanup

This module provides the information about the idea of Beanstalk, CloudFormation create stack, Update and delete, YAML , CloudFormation resources, paramters, mapping, outputs, conditions, intrinsic functions, user data, cfn-init, cfn-signal and wait conditions, cfn-signal failures troubleshooting, rollbacks, nested stacks, change sets, drift, termination protection. ASG – cloud formation Creation policy, update policy, stack policies and stack sets.

This module covers the concepts of EBS, EBS instance store, EBS volume types deep dive, EBS multi attach, EBS option topics like volume resizing, snapshots, volume migration, volume encryption. Amazon EFS and its access points, operations, cloud watch metrics, section cleanup, EC2 storage & Data management.

This module explains one of the Amazon cloud important component Amazon S3. S3 security bucket policy, website, versioning, replication, storage class, S3 Lifecycle Rules, S3 event notifications, S3 performance, S3 select & Glacier select, S3 batch operations, S3 Inventory, S3 Glacier overview, Glacier vault lock, S3 encryption, S3 CORS, S3 MFA delete, S3 access logs, S3 pre-signed URL’s, S3 object lock, access points and VPC End points.

This module explains the various storage options in Amazon cloud like AWS snow family, Amazon FSx, FSx for sysOps, Storage Gateway Overview, storage Gateway for SysOps. Concepts of cloudFront like CloudFront with S3, ALB as an Origin, Geo Restriction, Reports, logs and troubleshooting, CloudFront caching, CloudFront with ALB sticky sessions.

This module covers the concepts various databases used by the AWS sysops engineer. An overview on RDS and its concepts like RDS Multi AZ vs Read Replicas, failover conditions, RDS proxy, parameter groups, RDS backups and snapshots, events and logs, performance insights. Amazon Aurora and its backups, aurora security, Aurora for Sysops, Elastic cache, elastic cache redis cluster modes, ElasticCache Redis for SysOps.

This module is about the monitoring, auditing and performance metrics in Amazon cloud like cloud watch metrics, dashboards, logs, alarms, events, amazon event bridge, service Quotas, cloud trail for sysops. AWS account management concepts like AWS status and personal health dashboard, AWS organizations for Sysops, AWS Control Tower, AWS service catalog, billing alarms, AWS cost Explorer and budgets. AWS datasync and backup concepts of data recovery are also covered.

This module provides you with an idea security and compliance for SysOps with shared responsibility model, DDos, ASW shield and AWS WAF, Amazon Inspector, logging in AWS, Amazon guard duty, trusted advisor, KMS overview and key rotation, KMS for sysOps, clodHSM, AWS Artifact, AWS Certificate manager (ACM), Secrets manager – monitoring & troubleshooting. Identity concepts like IAM security tools, IAM access analyzer, Identity federation with SAML & Cognito. STS & cross account access, Cognito user and identity pools.

This module provides information about the networking protocols used in the Amazon cloud like route 53 and its topics like Registering a domain, creating a domain, creating our first records, EC2 setup, TTL, Health checks. Routing policy – simple, weighted, latency, failover, geolocation, geoproximity, traffic flow & geoproximity and Multi value. VPC concepts like subnet, internet gateway & route tables, Bastion hosts, NAT gateways, VPC flow logs, VPC peering, endpoints, site to site VPN , AWS private link and Egress.



For Networking professionals who want to familiarize with terminology and concepts as they compare to the AWS platform and navigate the AWS Management Console in their jobs on a daily basis.
For those who would like to learn more about the foundational servers, Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2), Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) and others.
Those seeking to validate a professional ability to work with AWS database services, including Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon Relational Database (RDS).
Professionals seeking an increase in salary in the long run. In a similar survey done among employers, statistics indicate that a recruit feels more comfortable hiring a certified professional than recruiting a non-certified professional.

Eligibility and Requirements

Learners need to possess an undergraduate degree or a high school diploma.



You must complete the AWS Technical Essentials course OR have significant hands-on professional experience in operating AWS-based applications.

AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate level Certification


Upon completing this cerification course you will:

  •  Receive an industry-recognized certificate from MCIT.
  • Be preapred for the official AWS Certified  SysOps Administrator Certification.



— F.A.Q —

Definitely. Please feel free to contact our office, we will be more than happy to work with you to meet your training needs.
All of our exceptionally skilled instructors have a decent experience of training and industry experience and are AW certified in the respective field. Each of them through a rigorous selection procedure that included profile screening, technical examination, and a training demo. 
Upon completion of the certification course classes you will be provided with an MCIT certificate.
Yes, there are vouchers to take the official exam.