This course is for individuals who seek an overall understanding of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud, independent of specific technical roles. You will learn about AWS Cloud concepts, AWS services, security, architecture, pricing, and support to build your AWS Cloud knowledge. This course also helps you prepare for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam.
Instructor Led
Get trained by industry Experts
Project Based Learning
Learn while you Work
State of the Art Infrastructure
24/7 Lab access
Cloud Computing with AWS
Understanding Networking: VPC
Create Custom VPC
Create a Linux VM; Image types; Snapshots;
Create a Windows VM; Image types; Snapshots;
Create image from disk
Create instance from disk
Relational Databases vs NoSQL (Key-value) Databases
Database inside a VM vs Managed Database Service
RDS: Database types and costs
Linux & Opensource: MySQL/MariaDB; PostgreSQL
Windows: SQL Server Express edition
Have a High School Diploma or equivalent, Complete an interview with a member of our Admissions Team, Commit to program and job search requirements.
Upon completing this course, you will receive an industry-recognized certificate from MCIT. This certificate helps you prepare yourself to confidently take the official AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner. Once you complete this exam, you will earn your official AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certification.