Montreal College of Information Technology
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Advanced Java Programming (Oracle Certified Java Professional)

This certification course introduces students to these popular and extensively used aspects of the Java Enterprise Edition platform. The course teaches the design, development and deployment of web applications using these core Java technologies. Using a hands-on workshop approach, students learn the fundamentals of Java server-side web development and understand those issues and approaches associated with these technologies.

  • 27 February 2025
  • 30 Hours
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Instructor Led


  • Advanced Java Programming (Oracle Certified Java Professional)

    Get trained by industry Experts

    Our courses are delivered by professionals with years of experience having learned first-hand the best, in-demand techniques, concepts, and latest tools.
  • Advanced Java Programming (Oracle Certified Java Professional)

    Official Certification curriculum

    Our curriculum is kept up to date with the latest official Certification syllabus and making you getting ready to take the exam.
  • Advanced Java Programming (Oracle Certified Java Professional)

    Tax Credit

    Claim up to 25% of tuition fees and education tax credit from your taxes.
  • Advanced Java Programming (Oracle Certified Java Professional)

    Discount on Certification Voucher

    Upto 50 percent discount voucher will be provided.
  • Advanced Java Programming (Oracle Certified Java Professional)

    24/7 Lab access

    Our students have access to their labs and course materials at any hour of the day to maximize their learning potential and guarantee success.


Advanced Java Programming (Oracle Certified Java Professional)

This module explains the java Technology and the Java development environment, identify key features of the Java language, create an executable Java program with a main class, compile and run a Java program from the command line and create and import packages.

This module makes you to declare and initialize variables, identify the scope of variable, use local variable type inference, create and manipulate Strings, manipulate data using the StringBuilder class and its methods, use Java operators including the use of parenthesis to override operator precedence, use Java control statements including if, else,
and switch, create and use do/while, while, for and for each loops, including nested loops, use break and continue statements.

This module makes you to declare, instantiate, initialize and use a one-dimensional array, two-dimensional array, Java objects, object's lifecycles (including creation, dereferencing by reassignment, and garbage collection), structure of a Java class, object fields.

This module presents the creation of methods and constructors with arguments and return values, create and invoke overloaded methods, static keyword to methods and fields, access modifiers and encapsulation principles to a class.

This module makes you to create and use subclasses and superclasses, abstract classes,polymorphism by overriding methods, Utilize polymorphism to cast and call methods, differentiating object type versus reference type, overloading, overriding, and hiding, create and implement interfaces, class inheritance from interface, inheritance including abstract classes, List and ArrayList instances and lambda Expression.

This module makes you to identify the advantages of Exception handling and differentiate among checked, unchecked exceptions, and Errors, create try-catch blocks and determine how exceptions alter program flow, create and invoke a method that throws an exception, Modular JDK, modules and enable access between modules

This module teaches you how to create and use final classes, inner, nested and anonymous classes, enumerations, use try-with-resources construct, custom exception classes and test invariants by using assertions.

This module makes you to create and use interfaces with default methods, interfaces with private methods, wrapper classes, auto-boxing and auto-unboxing, generic classes, methods with diamond notation and wildcards, Collections Framework and use key collection interfaces, Comparator, Comparable interfaces and convenience methods for collections.

This module teaches you to write functional interfaces, lambda expressions including statement lambdas, local-variable for lambda parameters, Stream interface and pipelines, lambda expressions and method references.

This module makes you to identify the interfaces from java.util.function package, use core functional interfaces including predicate, Consumer, Function and Supplier, primitive and binary variations of base, interfaces of java.util.function package, extract stream data using map, peek and flatMap methods, optional class, sort a collection using lambda expressions, Collectors with stream, including the groupingBy and partitioningBy operation.

This module explains abou migrating the application developed using a Java version prior to SE 9 to SE 11 including top-down and bottom-up migration, splitting a Java SE 8 application into modules for migration, Use jdeps to determine dependencies and identify way to address the cyclic dependencies and service type, load services using ServiceLoader, check for dependencies of the services including consumer and provider modules.

This module provides information about the creating worker threads using Runnable, Callable and use an ExecutorService to concurrently execute tasks,use java util concurrent collections and classes, thread-safe codae, identify threading problems such as deadlocks and livelocks, implement decomposition and reduction with stream.

This module provides information about the read data from and write console and file data using I/O stream serialization, use files class to check, delete, copy or move a file or directory, Stream API with Files, preventing Denial of Service, securing confidential information in Java application, implementing Data integrity guidelines-injections and inclusion and input validation, limiting Accessibility and Extensibility, properly handling input validation, and mutablity and Securing constructing sensitive objects, Serialization and Deserialization.

This module provides information to connect to databases using JDBC URLs and DriverManager, use PreparedStatement to perform CRUD operations and CallableStatement APIs to perform database operations, Locale class, resource bundles and format messages, dates, and numbers with Java.



Those who seek to validate your skills to employers by earning a Java certification, one of the most well-respected developer certifications in the world. Java requires more skills than other programs that come near it.
Professionals aiming to undertake Oracle Specialist Expert certification or demonstrate their skills in Java on a professional level.
These who wish their career to be fool proof. As all users need Java installed on their browser to run efficiently, Java programming skills remain in high demand with employers. It's a popularly used language with a large customer base.
Recent findings affirm that Java programmers are among the highest paid programmers in the industry. Analysis by Quartz, a global digital business news publication, confirms it's lucrative to have Java skills on your resume to leverage your earning potential

Eligibility and Requirements

Learners need to possess an undergraduate degree or a high school diploma.



Oracle Certified Java Associate is a prerequiste for this course.

Advanced Java Programming (Oracle Certified Java Professional) certification.


Upon completing this course, you will receive an industry-recognized certificate from MCIT.

  • Receive an industry-recognized certificate from MCIT.
  • Be prepared for the Official Oracle Certified java Professional certification.



27 February 2025

Register before 26 February 2025

20 June 2025

Register before 19 June 2025

31 October 2025

Register before 30 October 2025

— F.A.Q —

Definitely. Please feel free to contact our office, we will be more than happy to work with you to meet your training needs.
All of our exceptionally skilled instructors have a decent experience of training and industry experience and are AW certified in the respective field. Each of them through a rigorous selection procedure that included profile screening, technical examination, and a training demo. 
Yes, there are vouchers to take the official exam.
Upon completion of the certification course classes you will be provided with an MCIT certificate.