Montreal College of Information Technology
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Microsoft Azure Devops Engineer

This Certificate Microsoft Azure Devops Engineer provides the knowledge and skills to design and implement DevOps processes and practices. The learners will gain skills on how to plan for DevOps, use source control, scale Git for an enterprise, consolidate artifacts, design a dependency management strategy, manage secrets, implement continuous integration, implement a container build strategy, design a release strategy, set up a release management workflow, implement a deployment pattern, and optimize feedback mechanisms.

Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 6pm - 9pm


  • Microsoft Azure Devops Engineer

    Get trained by industry Experts

    Our courses are delivered by professionals with years of experience having learned first-hand the best, in-demand techniques, concepts, and latest tools.
  • Microsoft Azure Devops Engineer

    Official Certification curriculum

    Our curriculum is kept up to date with the latest official Certification syllabus and making you getting ready to take the exam.
  • Microsoft Azure Devops Engineer

    Tax Credit

    Claim up to 25% of tuition fees and education tax credit from your taxes
  • Microsoft Azure Devops Engineer

    Discount on Certification Voucher

    Upto 50 percent discount voucher will be provided.
  • Microsoft Azure Devops Engineer

    24/7 Lab access

    Our students have access to their labs and course materials at any hour of the day to maximize their learning potential and guarantee success.


Microsoft Azure Devops Engineer

This module explains the concepts how to plan and implement a structure for the flow of work and feedback cycles, identify appropriate metrics related to flow of work, such as cycle times, time to recovery, and lead time, integrate pipelines with work item tracking tools, such as Azure DevOps and GitHub, implement traceability policies decided by development and integrate a repository with Azure Boards

This module helps you to communicate actionable information by using custom dashboards in Azure DevOps, document a project by using tools, such as wikis and process diagrams, configure release documentation, including release notes and API documentation, automate creation of documentation from Git history and configure notifications by using webhooks.

This module explains how to design and implement an authentication strategy, design a strategy for managing large files, including Git LFS and git-fat, design a strategy for scaling and optimizing a Git repository, including Scalar and cross repository sharing and implement workflow hooks.

This module discussed about designing a branch strategy, including trunk-based, feature branch, and release branch, design and implement a pull request workflow by using branch policies and branch protections and implement branch merging restrictions by using branch policies and branch protections.

This module provides a demo on creating account and accessing a Microsoft Azure portal, creating a Virtual Machine, Creating Azure App Services/ Web Apps, Azure App Services in action, Creating Azure Functions and Kubernetes and Azure Container Instances.

This module provides the idea about how to integrate pipelines with external tools, including dependency scanning, security scanning, and code coverage, design and implement quality and release gates, including security and governance, design integration of automated tests into a pipeline, design and implement a comprehensive testing strategy and implement orchestration of tools, such as GitHub Actions and Azure Pipelines.

This module presents designing a package management implementation that uses Azure Artifacts, GitHub Packages, NuGet, and npm, design and implement package feeds, including upstream sources, design and implement a dependency versioning strategy for code assets and packages, including semantic versioning and date-based and design and implement a versioning strategy for pipeline artifacts.

This module explains selecting a deployment automation solution, including GitHub Actions and Azure Pipelines, design and implement an agent infrastructure, including cost, tool selection, licenses, connectivity, and maintainability, develop and implement pipeline trigger rules • Develop pipelines, including classic and YAML, design and implement a strategy for job execution order, including parallelism and multi-stage, develop complex pipeline scenarios, such as containerized agents and hybrid, configure and manage self-hosted agents, including virtual machine (VM) templates and containerization, create reusable pipeline elements, including YAML templates, task groups, variables, and variable groups and design and implement checks and approvals by using YAML environments

This module presents how to design a deployment strategy, including blue/green, canary, ring, progressive exposure, feature flags, and A/B testing, design a pipeline to ensure reliable order of dependency deployments, plan for minimizing downtime during deployments by using VIP swap, load balancer, and rolling deployments, design a hotfix path plan for responding to high-priority code fixes, implement load balancing for deployment, including Azure Traffic Manager and the Web Apps feature of Azure App Service, implement feature flags by using Azure App Configuration Feature Manager and implement application deployment by using containers, binary, and scripts.

This module covers how to recommend a configuration management technology for application infrastructure, implement a configuration management strategy for application infrastructure, including IaC , IaC strategy, including source control and automation of testing and deployment, design and implement desired state configuration for environments, including Azure Automation State Configuration, Azure Resource Manager, Bicep, and Azure Policy guest configuration, monitor pipeline health, including failure rate, duration, and flaky tests, optimize pipelines for cost, time, performance, and reliability and analyze pipeline load to determine agent configuration and capacity.

This module helps you to implement and manage service connections, implement and manage personal access tokens, implement and manage secrets, keys, and certificates by using Azure Key Vault, GitHub secrets, and Azure Pipelines secrets, design and implement a strategy for managing sensitive files during deployment, design pipelines to prevent leakage of sensitive information, Automate analysis of source code by using GitHub code scanning, GitHub secrets scanning, pipeline-based scans, and SonarQube, automate security scanning, including container scanning and OWASP ZAP and automate analysis of licensing, vulnerabilities, and versioning.

This module provides you with the required information about Configuring and integrating monitoring by using Azure Monitor, configure and integrate with monitoring tools, such as Azure Monitor and Application Insights, manage access control to the monitoring platform and configure alerts for pipeline events, Inspect distributed tracing by using Application Insights and inspect application performance indicators and inspect infrastructure performance indicators, including CPU, memory, disk, and network and identify and monitor metrics for business value and analyze usage metrics by using Application Insight and interrogate logs using basic Kusto Query Language (KQL) queries.



For Networking professionals who want to familiarize with terminology and concepts as they compare to the Azure platform and navigate the Azure Management Console in their jobs on a daily basis.
For those who would like to learn more about the foundational servers, Azure virtual desktop, Azure App Service, container and virtual machines.
Those seeking to validate a professional ability to work with Azure Storage options like AzCopy, Azure Storage Explorer, and Azure File Sync and migration options
Professionals seeking an increase in salary in the long run. In a similar survey done among employers, statistics indicate that a recruit feels more comfortable hiring a certified professional than recruiting a non-certified professional.

Eligibility and Requirements

 A high school or a college degree is sufficient to gain the knowledge of this certificate. Knowledge of any programming language and networking is suggested to make learning of this course easy.



Cloud Computing with Azure - Fundamanetal level, Microsoft Azure Developer Associate are the prerequisite courses which are recommended to be taken before this course.

Microsoft Azure Devops Engineer Certification


Upon completing this cerification course you will:

  •  Receive an industry-recognized certificate from MCIT.
  • Be preapred for the official Microsoft Azure Certified Devops Engineer Certification.



— F.A.Q —

Definitely. Please feel free to contact our office, we will be more than happy to work with you to meet your training needs.
All of our exceptionally skilled instructors have a decent experience of training and industry experience and are AW certified in the respective field. Each of them through a rigorous selection procedure that included profile screening, technical examination, and a training demo. 
Yes, there are vouchers to take the official exam.
Upon completion of the certification course classes you will be provided with an MCIT certificate.